Thursday, February 21, 2013

Random Acts of Easter

During the Easter 2013 season, we asked people - instead of giving something up for Lent - to offer random acts of grace to another person. We received an amazing response from people all over Reynoldsburg, Pickerington, and central Ohio on the kind acts they performed for others or received themselves. Check out the news coverage:

Columbus Dispatch Article

WBNS 10TV Story

This effort did not stop with Easter.  People are continuing to offer the kind acts.  Share yours with us in the comments section of this blog.  

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  1. I bought someone's meal at McDonalds!

  2. I will seriously try #25 .Probably no audible sighing either, huh? #39 is my own personal mantra -- just let it go. Have an awesome day!!

  3. I spent the whole day Friday serving my wife by doing only what she wanted to do.

  4. I spent time talking with someone who has lost a loved one and feels like the world has passed her by.

  5. Forgave someone who has hurt me deeply--and found that it freed me.

  6. We opened our home to someone who needed a place to stay for a couple of days.

  7. I apologized to a co-worker that I had hurt.

  8. I called someone whose mother has just died to remind him that he is not alone.

  9. We cleaned out our closets and gave some perfectly good clothes to folks who could use them.

  10. I went thru Tim Horton's drive thru and they told me they would give me the total when I got up to the window (very unusual), and when I got up there they said the person before me had paid for my order. Then it caught on and I paid for the person behind me. What a Blessing the whole morning has been.

  11. On Wednesday, I went to Max and Erma's for lunch with several of the Bible Study ladies. Had a great server, Ethan, and we asked him if he would like to pray with us before we ate. We all stood, held hands and he held hands between a friend and me and it was a very warm, fuzzy feeling to know that he wanted to do it with us.

  12. My daughter had decided that she wanted to give a stranger a gift card to McDonald's for $5. Today I was having lunch with her at Dairy Queen when she decided she wanted to give it to a man who was having lunch with his two little ones. He went up to the counter with the children to get their ice cream, so Bethany put the card on the table where he was sitting. When he came back he looked at it for a minute or two while settling the children down. He then turned around and in a confused voice asked what this was for. I explained what the church was doing and that this was totally Bethany's idea and that she had wanted to give it to him. He was amazed and so shocked and thankful. As we were getting to leave, he came up to us and asked us what church we went to and had me explained the Random Acts of Easter some more. We introduced each other and it sounded like he may come check the church out.

    I explained to my daughter that this was all her doing. We are now going to keep a lookout to see if he will come! Thank you for this wonderful idea and for helping me teach my children how to be Christ like.

  13. I have really enjoyed this challenge. my husband and I have worked together and asked each other each day what we did; as much as I've enjoyed doing things for others, I've enjoyed seeing him do thoughtful things. Anyway, here are a few things we've done:
    Give $5 Starbucks gift cards to the ladies who help the kids out of the cars at morning drop off Give your wife flowers Put quarters in the candy machine at the grocery (hopefully a child found these) Wrote bible versus for our church's correspondence committee (not quite finished with this one but I did 38 today!) Made a point to stop what I was doing and read to our daughter when she asked WHEN she asked.

  14. Extended the offer for someone to use musical equipment.

  15. We are delivering cookies to a family who needs a little comfort food.

  16. I on a regular basis I will buy a meal for the person behind me in the drive-thru line. I have been finding at least one person a day to thank for the job they do for me, my family, or the community.

  17. I decided that each morning I would select a family member or friend and say a special prayer just for them. I then text or e-mail them saying I have just prayed for them and to have a good day.

  18. I decided each morning I would select a family member or friend and say a special prayer just for them. Then I text or e-mail them to tell them I have prayed for them and to have a good day.

  19. I took a friend who doesn't drive to see a mutual friend of ours who is recovering from surgery. Gave each of them some soup & muffins I made.

  20. Our 4 year old son had saved his pennies to buy a small fire truck. After we bought the truck we went to Wendy's where a small child was crying. Our son went up to the table where the child was crying and gave the truck to the child. Then he told the parents that "People are supposed to give things away for lent. Happy Lent." I cried. Thank you RUMC for teaching my children.

  21. We have a neighbor who is elderly. She lives alone with her dog. The dog keeps getting out through a whole in her fence. Me and the boys fixed the whole in the fence yesterday. She did not know we did it. She came outside and saw that the whole had been repaired and cried. I saw my two sons get teary too.

  22. My husband & I received a Random Act of Easter from a church member. She told us she thought we were not only good friends to her & others but she wanted to tell us she thought we were great to each other as a couple, great parents & great grandparents. We certainly try but we don't consider ourselves great....just try to be as good as we can be! I'm going to take this persons lead & tell some others in my life how I truly feel about them!

  23. My daughter cam home and asked if I could start putting two sandwhiches in her lunch. I asked if she was getting hungry later in the day. She said "Yes. Sometimes Jenny's (not her real name)mommy forgets to make her lunch so I give her my sandwhich." I love my church!

  24. I work with a lady who is not very nice. I found out that today was her 15th year anniversary with the company. So I baked her some cookies with a card.

  25. I helped an old lady find her car in the parking lot.

  26. A young woman I know had a premature baby a month ago, it has gained up to 2 lbs. now. She & her husband,& 2 children drive an hour to Columbus to visit the baby in the hospital. I sent them a couple gift cards to help with expenses. Her husband was off work for about a month in order to spend time at the hospital with her.

  27. I changed a flat tire for woman on the side of the road.

  28. A young couple in our neighborhood is going through some tough times. We offered to watch their two little kids this weekend so they could go out on a date. She said they just went to the mall and ate ice cream and watched people. She said it was heavenly.

  29. My wife gave to lady standing on the street corner at a red light with a cardboard sign a bottle of water and what little cash she had to her. The lady said God bless you and thank you so much. Then downed all the water without stopping. My wife feels bad she couldn't have dome more.

  30. A lady in front of me at the post office was paying by debit card. After she left the clerk said to me that her card didn't go through and asked if she was she still here. I said no, just include what she owes on mine. The clerk said "Really?" I said yes because that what Jesus would do. The clerk thanked me and I said you are welome.

  31. I gave a Kroger gift card to someone checking out in line
    to use.

  32. Last Friday I picked up a shift from a nurse who needed a day off

  33. Made dinner for our frineds. Their son had surgery today and we felt that by providing them dinner we could take one stress off of their family.

  34. Last Friday I felt led to send an e-mail of encouragement to a pastor friend who has spent this lenten season giving up members "to the church triumphant." She said the message and prayers were helpful. I felt great knowing that I could support her ministry in some small way.

  35. Our neighbor is ill and her family lives out of town, Tom and I check on her two-three times a day, take her meals, she will be moving in the next few months and we are going to help her family get ready to sell her condo and get her moved to NC. She has been our neighbor for 10 years and has been very sick the past two years.

  36. I worked on Saturday so a co-worker could go to his kid's basketball game.

  37. I went to Staples the other day and it was raining. After shopping I needed a cart to get all my items to the car so after loading my car I returned the cart and another one as well back to the cart area inside the store.

  38. Our neighbor's husband died about a year ago. I took her sons to a Hockey game.

  39. My husband and I went to the retirement center and played cards with some residents.

  40. Sent a check to the family of James Jenkins, The man I call a "Hero" for trying to save the little boy from drowning in the pond.

  41. I had just finished shoveling my drive at 5:30 am when my neighbor's father got stuck in the snow. He could not get any traction to drive up the inclined driveway. I shoveled a path so the man could pull into the driveway. As I left, I said "Happy Easter".

  42. Took food to and waited with a family while a loved one was having surgery.

  43. Cleaned the home of a neigbor who was sick.

  44. Shoveled the drive for some friends who were way so that when thye got home--it was clear!

  45. Stopped to help someone stranded on the highway--and offered some food and water.

  46. Provided a meal for someone who is recovering from surgery.

  47. Picked up some folks walking in the rain.

  48. Felt lead to plow the parking lot for a older couple who were trying to shovel their church lot by themselves--they could not afford to have it done--and it made me feel really good to give grace away like that.

  49. Was able to help a person find his way through the Columbus airport to the shuttle he needed to get to the convention center.

  50. I bought and shared breakfast with a guy who could use some encouragement.

  51. I helped a lady in a parking lot get her car started.

  52. An employee was behind on her paperwork and was very stressed but had to leave work. After she left my wife saw the large stack on her desk. My wife brought the stack of papers home last night and completed them for her without her knowing. I am sure she knows now. Weclome to Team Jesus.

  53. I joined together with about 55 guys tonight and served the women attending the Mad Hatters Ball at Reynoldsburg UMC. It felt good to serve and get to know some new guys.

  54. Was able to be reconciled with a brother in Christ after a sharp disagreement.

  55. Spent some time talking with a persons who feels alone in a crowd.

  56. I called a Mom in another state to share good news about one of her children--she cried--and I was blessed to confirm her faith and hopes.

  57. I gave a big tip to a waitress who was having a rough day with demanding customers.

  58. I sent a care package to a soldier in Afganistan.

  59. I wrote a thank you note to someone who went above and beyond the call of duty in their work--they were a real blessing!

  60. Some one from your church bought me and my 91 year old dad lunch today. Whoever it was, thank you! I will surely pay this forward.

  61. We are doing some loads of laundry for a family who recently had a close relative pass away.

  62. My mom and I helped prepare food for a funeral dinner.

  63. An acquaintance who is down to her last nothing more than food & gas money for the month was about to have her cell phone shut off which is her only contact to the outside world for friends, family and seeking employment so we called her company and paid it anonymously for 30 more days.

  64. Somebody bought me a cup of coffee and the girl at the cash register handed me this card. Thanks for the coffee.

  65. After trying on clothes at a department store, I cleaned up all of the fitting rooms.

  66. Took dinner & visited a woman that had surgery & can't put weight on her leg for two months.

  67. I encouraged someone whose work situation has dramatically changed-a new boss has changed all the former ways of doing things--and the changes are taking a toll on her. I reminded her that she is not alone.

  68. Bought a meal for someone at the homelass shelter

  69. I have been doing a couple loads of laundry a day for about a week for my neighbor. They wouldn't always ask so I would go over and ask for it. With a family of five you know they had laundry everyday. Praise they got a new dryer and the washer fixed.

  70. A cashier from Kroger had told me a month or so ago that her grandson kept getting in the fridge braking eggs and such. I told her I had to put a lock on mine then told her where to buy one. I had asked if she ever got one and she hadn't. I bought her one and dropped it off to her yesterday. She thanked and hugged me.

  71. My daughter and I made cookies for 2 families in our development whose sons are deployed and fighting for our freedom. We also made a comfort food bag for a man who is fighting cancer. That same man had accidentally hit our car when he was confused. He was shocked that we would bake for him. Praying that all felt God's love.

  72. Took hot chocolate to the teachers in car line at
    School yesterday. They were very surprised.

  73. Today I was behind a lady at the store and her debit card was denied and she couldn't buy her groceries. I paid for her two carts of groceries. She was stunned! The lady behind me said that she was having a horrible day, and my kindness restored her faith in humanity. I was so honored to bless not only the lady for whom I purchased her groceries, but those in line with me and the cashiers. The lady asked for my name and number, so that she could repay me. I told her that God loves her and to pass on the blessing, then I hugged her.

  74. Today I was behind a lady at the store and her debit card was denied and she couldn't buy her groceries. I paid for her two carts of groceries. She was stunned! The lady behind me said that she was having a horrible day, and my kindness restored her faith in humanity. I was so honored to bless not only the lady for whom I purchased her groceries, but those in line with me and the cashiers. The lady asked for my name and number, so that she could repay me. I told her that God loves her and to pass on the blessing, then I hugged her.

  75. Gave a thermos of hot coffee to the utility workers working in our neighborhood this morning.

  76. Helped watch my friend's dogs while she was in the hospital.

  77. Took time today to listen to a son talk about his dying Dad.

  78. Fixed our neighbors gutters in the rain.

  79. i woke up at 3am with somebody banging on my door, now usualy i just ignore it or wake up and yell at them for waking me up which i started to do but isked who it was and didnt get an answer, so i opened the door who was sitting on my floor stairway bleeding from a deep lacerated cut on his fore arm and on his elbow, now what happeneed was he was trying to break up a fight between his fiance and her sister so when he did that the fiances sisters boyfriend threw him thru the second floor window,so i covered the cuts with my good towels and called police and fire and took care of his need now keep in mind im in my boxers which i didnt care at that time,his well being is all that mattered. mike guthrie-crossroads

  80. We were at McDonalds. There was a woman with 4 small kids. The kids were asking for more to eat. The mother said that was all there was that she had no more money. We sent over some more food and put the Be Kind Today card in the bag. We sat there and watched the kids devour the food.

  81. Sent a note of encouragement to a friend who was feeling down.

  82. Our family fixed dinner for our next door neighbor yesterday. They are facing many personal health and family issues.
    ~in Pickerington

  83. I bagged the groceries for the lady who was in front of me at the grocery store.

  84. Sent two Daily Bread devotions of encouragement to friend who is struggling right now to let him know that God loves him and so do I.

  85. Bought lunch for the people behind me in the drive through at Mc Donalds today.

  86. Gave a bottle of water, a protein bar and a little cash to a lady on a corner with a cardboard sign. The lady said "God bless you" looking straight into my eyes.

  87. I helped a woman in a wheelchair shop for groceries.

  88. Paid for a guy so he could be my guest at Guy's Nite with me who does not attend our church.

  89. "Kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve."

  90. Paid for the car behind me at Tim Horton's. When I gave the ( card to the employee, his response was, "you are the sixth person this morning that has done this!". (I don't normally stop for coffee/drink but am enjoying the opportunity to show Random Acts of Kindness!)

  91. Called to my brother telling him how much I love him. Hoping this is the first step to repairing a broken brother/sister relationship.

  92. I made a baptismal gown for a little girl at my brother-in-laws church for Her Baptismal on Easter Sunday.

  93. A clerk at the local grocery saved a dog from going blind. I paid for the dogs eye drops this month.

  94. I committed to write, on a regular basis, to someone I know in prison.

  95. A man knocked on our door and asked about the "" signs in our yard. He wanted to know where he could get one. We live in Pataskala and he said he had seen a lot of these signs in the Reynoldsburg area and got on the website but it didn't tell him where to get one of the signs. My husband told him to take one of the signs from our yard. My husband then invited him to RUMC.

  96. We gave our server a 50% tip and told him what a great job he is doing.

  97. Told my daddy that I loved him.

  98. Bought groceries for a friend in need.

  99. Seen a Facebook post that someone (who I don't know) was taking in three girls and needed clothes. Although they needed the same sizes my girls are in I said I would gather some items. With my three year old we went threw her clothes. To my surprise she was very happy to give her clothes to another little girl who needed them. we were able to gathered a whole trash bag full to give.

  100. Pulled a lady's car out of a ditch who was run off the road.

  101. I took donuts in to my coworkers and left a card on top of the box.

  102. I sent anonymous encouragement flowers to a family member

  103. Fixed a headlight on the car of the daughter of my neighbor.

  104. We were recipients of an act of kindness from a member of your church. We received home made cookies because we have a son serving in the military. They saw the blue star flag in our window. This was a beautiful tribute. Our son is stationed in the Boston area so we were not able to share with his family. When I taught religious education I always stressed doing something positive during Lent. It was from the article in the Dispatch that we learned of your efforts.
    Thank you for your kindness. The cookies were great.

  105. What a wonderful way to bring to life the real meaning of Christian faith. Random Acts of Easter is now a part of my day. Thank you.

  106. Someone gave me a 50% tip and left me one of your cards. That was really noce. Thanks

  107. Sierra and I seen an elderly man sitting by himself at I-Hop. i paid his bill and wrote him a note telling him happy easter,have a great day and this was paid through Gods love.

    i was in Kroger and this baby in front of me in line was having a big tizzy fit. i told mom, let me hold her while you unload your buggy. then i bought her a starbucks gift card. she hugged me so tight.I not only blessed her, she blessed me like craqzy. lets just keep it going. we serve an awesome God, so lets spread His love.JoAnn Solley (Jo)
